Joint value of implemented projects 124,974.00 EUR (VAT included), received LEADER funds 52,179.00 EUR, other funds 72,783.30 EUR.
- Ecoremediations – for a cleaner countryside
Project applicant: Public Institute Kozjanski Park
Description: The purpose of the project was to use sustainable methods and processes to establish natural equilibrium in the environment and raise the interest of the local population for ecoremediation methods.
During the project we performed activities to raise the awareness and educate local population about the importance of water and riparian space and sustainable methods for its management. There was practical example of ecoremediation wetlands for waste water treatment. Ecoremediation has to become an integral part of management of water and riparian space and a way to clean it.
- Promotion of “Coexistence of Tourism and Nature”
Project applicant: Development Agency Sotla
Description: In the project “Coexistence of Tourism and Nature” which was implemented in 2008 there have been designed the first integral tourist products in the area and determined the marketing model and presentations for the future. The project has displayed sustainable effect and it makes sense to implement the achieved results also in the other project areas and plan future activities for marketing and promotion in the area of Obsotelje and Kozjansko.
The purpose of the project Promotion of “Coexistence of Tourism and Nature” was to carry out presentations of natural and cultural heritage of the area and culinary specifics to different target groups and promotion of the project results.
- Cycling map of Rogaška Slatina and surrounding area
Project applicant: Rogaška Slatina Municipality
Description: In the Rogaška Slatina Municipality there was a great need for a cycling map of the municipality and surrounding area. Therefore two partners were invited to cooperate in this project, Public Institute Turizem Rogaška Slatina and Cycling Club Rogaška, which have prepared the map. It includes 15 different cycling routes which are intended for various target groups: recreational bikers, women, road bikers and “freeride” bikers. The routes pass main cultural and natural heritage sights in the area with a description on the backside of the map. There are also profiles of cycling routes. Rogaška Slatina and Podčetrtek host many foreign visitors therefore the map was also translated to English, German, Italian and Russian language.
- Wine and grapevine in Obsotelje and Kozjansko region through centuries
Project applicant: Agricultural Co-operative Šmarje
Description: Wine-growing has been a branch of economy in this area for several centuries. Local population is closely connected to grapevine and wine. However, nobody has yet systematically collected data about this topic in this area before this project has made that happen.
The output of the project is a history study of winemaking in the area and a brochure “Wine and grapevine in Obsotelje and Kozjansko through centuries”. The study holds historic facts, problems and other data till present time. Some of the topics covered are climate, natural characteristics, wine sorts through time, the beginnings, first written sources, first estates, wine-growing locations, categorization of cultivated vines through time, cultivation and types of wine-making, marketing channels through time, education, after-war renewals after the year 1945. The brochure is a summary of the study. It is educational as well as promotional as it is freely distributed at wine-tastings in wine cellars and other events. It is also used by the municipalities and tourist guides who guide tourists in the area of Obsotelje and Kozjansko.
- Employment possibilities for disabled people
Project applicant: KIP Vizija
Description: Disabled people have a lot of problems finding a job. Nowadays it is hard even for healthy people to get a job while limited working abilities are another factor for employers to deny a person. This project is intended to help disabled people find a job.
In the project we have prepared the analysis of current status of disabled people in the municipalities Kozje, Podčetrtek, Rogaška Slatina, Šmarje pri Jelšah and their job opportunities. We have gathered the data about unemployed disabled people (age, education, level of disability, employment limitations). Target group was surveyed and we have created the foundation for further activities to include disabled people in the working environment.
- Creation of integral presentation at fairs
Project applicant: Public Institute Kozjanski Park
Description: In the protected area we strive to create ethical and responsible tourism which is based on paying respect to nature, seeking balance between tourist demand and preservation of nature and at the same time enables economic and social development of the local population.
Joint tourist concept of the area which was included in the project is based on preserved nature and traditional cultural landscape and as such supports the principle of sustainable development.
Organization of various fairs is a good step towards realization of sustainable development because it enables local population to present and market their knowledge and products. With the project our aim was to unify fair presentations. Through the project we have acquired market stalls for fair organizers – Kozjanski Park, Municipality Podčetrtek and Municipality Kozje.
- Education of winemakers
Project applicant: Agricultural Co-operative Šmarje
Description: To achieve planned goals for production of quality wines and adaptation to produce wines demanded by consumers the winegrowers which produce grapes have to be educated (production of smaller quantities of grapes but of the highest quality). Fast changes in wine styles demand radical changes in wine-growing. Winegrowers cannot keep up to this without expert support, therefore, with the project we have reached educated winegrowers who are now trained to produce grapes by the methods that were presented at the workshops. They have also accepted the internal regulations which are obligatory for winegrowing for those grapes that will be used to make wines under special brands. The adherence to accepted regulations is monitored.
- Tourist guide – Podčetrtek and nearby area
Project applicant: Tourism Podčertek, Economic Interest Group
Description: Integrated cooperation of all providers of tourist services is essential for identity of tourist products of the Podčetrtek Municipality in Slovenia and abroad. One of the forms of cooperation and at the same time a form of market communication is a publication Tourist Guide. In the Slovene and English version of Tourist Guide published on 48 pages in 2008 we have presented the tourist offer of the Podčetrtek Municipality in one place. Growth of visitors from other countries created a demand to publish the guide also in other languages. Most of our guests come from German speaking countries, the number of Italian guests is rising and there are more and more guests from Croatia. Therefore it was very important to publish a Tourist Guide also in these three languages which we did in this project.
- Tourist Lookout of Obsotelje and Kozjansko (TROK)
Project applicant: Fontus d. o. o.
Description: The aim of the project was to present the area of Obsotelje and Kozjansko as a wholesome tourist destination through marketing of integral tourist products which emphasize particularities and unique characteristics of the area. They originate from nature, age-long coexistence of nature and people in this area and the creativity spurt by this coexistence.
Despite existing efforts of the public and business sectors there are shortcomings in tourist offer which is not connected enough and the unique natural as well as cultural, historic, ethnologic and other characteristics of the area are not recognisable enough. There is also rather weak business cooperation between companies and individuals in tourism. These shortcomings can be a major problem because of potential decline in the number of tourists and visitors which can lead to deterioration of tourism in the area.